Computer Master has experience with all brands and vintages of gear with respect to firewalls and switches.
Our ranking of quality of service in this regard would be Cisco, HP, 3Com, Sonic Wall and lastly D-Link.
Depending upon the size and the importance of uptime to our customer we will deploy the switch or firewall that best suits their requirements and their budget.
Our field and hands on experience gives our customers the solution they need and the performance they require.
Most gear that we sell usually comes with a lifetime warranty however we also deploy service agreements which will replace the failed piece of equipment within 4-24 hours. Again the type of gear chosen would be based on the customers uptime needs.
Most of our more sophisticated firewalls would be Cisco PIX and ASA devices. Our success here is unmatched as we cannot remember the last Cisco firewall that has failed. Cisco’s quality is unmatched from our viewpoint and experience.
With respect to switches we also have an unmatched record with Cisco but have deployed several other brands with great success also. Obviously, when a switch is faulty or goes down completely then our customer is faced with a network outage and no productivity. These risk factors can be controlled and eliminated by having the proper service level agreement such as Cisco Smart Net or 3Com Smart Express in place.
We commonly find that time passes us by very quickly and gear that has been deployed for many years becomes overlooked without a service level agreement in place which puts the customer at high risk. Once this service level agreement is in place it becomes an annual reminder of how the old the gear actually is and when we should be replacing it and putting it in our customers budget for the upcoming year.