We have been involved with Internet connections since 1993 which was primarily dial-up back then. Since that time we have been adopting all of the technologies that have surfaced. We were Bell Authorized for 5 years helping, training and installing ADSL circuits as far back as 1997. As more technology evolved we adopted, trained and deployed these technologies. Today we offer any and all Internet connections including Dial-Up, ADSL, Symmetrical ADSL, Wireless, Satellite and Fibre deployments. We have carrier agreements across Canada that permit us to fulfill your needs where ever your branch and/or head offices may be located.
You needn’t waste your time on the phone with multiple Telco’s or Cable companies when Computer Master can facilitate all your needs by calling one simple number. We direct Network Operation Centre access with all of our carriers which permits us to directly fix any issue that may arise. We then report back to you directly with the time frame required to fix your issue. This saves you valuable time and effort that is immeasurable in costs. How often have we all heard stories about being on the phone with specific large vendors to no avail. We have heard from our customers that they have spent multiple frustrating hours on the phone without any resolve. Thus, let us be your one contact and alleviate these efforts and frustrations.